Magor Events Group is a not-for-profit organisation run by unpaid volunteers. Our goal is to raise funds for local charities and good causes whilst fostering community spirit within our local villages.
The majority of our fundraising comes from our annual May and Frost Fayres via our stall rentals and our ad-supported newspaper publication.
We also support local schools and churches and other organisations. Individual members and small groups of members are often found making Candy Floss, Popcorn or Hot Chestnuts to aid the fund raising efforts of other organisations or merely to add ‘flavour’ to their events.
The main beneficiaries of our events are those who attend. We have helped to maintain a distinctive “village feel” to what otherwise could easily become a stagnant dormitory settlement.
Our main events provide venues for local groups to project themselves into the wider community and enable them to raise funds for their various causes. Groups and associations who frequently have stalls at the Magor May Fayre or Frost Fayre are: The Guides + Brownies, Scouts, W. I., St Mary's Church, Magor School Governors. Charitable organisations such as Save the Children, BOP, and supporters of medical research into Meningitis and Myasthenia.
At our AGM, and from time to time during the year, we make donations to local charities, good causes etc. We donate substantial sums to children's charities every year. This year we have donated over £8000 to various charities and good causes. Much of this money comes from advertising revenue in our two magazines. We are really grateful to our advertisers and we ask you to keep the Frost Fayre and May Fayre near your phone in case you need a local business or tradesperson. Use it like the Local Pages. Many of our advertisers have supported us for many years, and advertising space is almost always sold in full before publication date.
The events group really needs YOUR help to put on future events. The work involved in putting on the Frost Fayre and May Fayre is becoming a challenge to the handful of people who regularly turn up to take part, many of whom are now in their sixties and seventies.
It would be a real shame for the village to lose these events due to lack of personnel.
We welcome members from the community at any time and have few restrictions. Our constitution allows for refusal of membership in exceptional circumstances. We openly advertise our desire to recruit new members in each of our two major notices to the villages. We are actively supported by our families in all our efforts and enjoy working together in a practical sense.
The Magor Churchmen’s Society is a non-exclusive organisation that has members from all walks of life. We all have one thing in common and that is the desire to foster community spirit within our villages. Membership is drawn largely from the villages of Magor, Undy and Redwick.
If you can spare a few hours please contact Kevin, our secretary, by emailing or come to one of our meetings at the Church Centre on the second Monday of the month at 7:30pm.